Sunday, September 27, 2009


There is always a dilemma - to read or to write/wash/ clean.
A lot of times I choose to read.

What did I read this week?
The Unschooling Handbook - Mary Griffith - an excellent book for all parents who want to have meaningful relationships with their children
Learning All The Time - John Holt - I have read lots of parts from this book before but it is good to have it at home

And for Russian speakers -
Никитины "Резервы Здоровья Наших Детей" - you can find it here .I was a little scared to read this one. Nikitini were the first family in Russia who used "early development". I was afraid this book would have lots of unrealistic, all consuming programs to make your child into a wonder child, but I was wrong. They build their program on children's instincts and most of the things they write about are already a part of our everyday life.
Чарковский И. - This guy is too much for me. He teaches babies how to swim but in a very aggressive form.

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