Oh the garden! It makes me both happy and very frustrated... One chick hatched!! It is so great to see the devoted mother teaching her how to eat, walking after her, fluffing her feathSers to protect her ...but she has more eggs, and she is not on them all the time like she was earlier.... So it is very possible that the other two eggs will not hatch... This is hard to bear. But hope still remains so we are here to see what will happen.
Garden wise: the soil here is just horrible - everything is tiny. My carrots are tiny, my beats, my potatoes. But we made a raised bed - now here, everything grows just great, except that we didn't plan it the way we had to... It all grew into a little forest. Every time I go there I regret planting this way - I can't reach a lot of plants and some plants are falling over... I tell myself that gardening is a matter of trial and error and that I will get it right the next time... Then I think, it will probably take me another ten years or so to have the garden I really dream of... And what kind of a garden am I dreaming of? Well, the one that brings most of the produce that we eat... This is my dream..I am not sure it is at all attainable ( even though www said it is) because most people tell me it is not... I guess I just have to go one step at a time...or better one error at a time....
Ilay is standing telling me to stop this nonsense with the iPad so I'll go... Hope to be back soon.